Houston Astros Afternoon: Rollins Won’t Be Returning–Yet


We’re just over a week away from opening day, and the anticipation that has been building for months will finally get a little respite. These last few games could help determine who fills the final spot in the rotation and which player(s) get added into the outfield mix. Jon Singleton‘s recent struggles could determine the outfield question mark, while it will be up to the pitchers themselves to decide their fate. There have been some exciting stories involving the Houston Astros, so let’s get you caught up!

On Friday, news broke that former Houston Astros’ minor leaguer David Rollins has been suspended 80 games by Major League Baseball for testing positive for PEDs. Why does this concern Astros fans? Rollins was a Rule 5 draftee, which means that there is a chance that he could return back to the Astros farm system. Typically the rule is that a player must stay on his new team’s 25-man roster for the entire season, or be offered back to his original team.

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Of course, there are certain circumstances in which there are ways around that rule, such as injury, or in this case, suspension. Bob Dutton of The News Tribune caught up with Mariners’ GM Jack Zduriencik, who said, “He’ll come off the 40-man roster…He’ll be suspended. What we will do is wait for guidance from MLB on how this will all be handled.” Zduriencik continued, “But he’s our property during the 80-game suspension. He will be allowed to stay here in Arizona. He will be under our supervision, and he can pitch and continue to work with the extended team.”

Moving from someone you may see return to Houston, to something you will definitely see in Houston. Michael Clair reported on Friday for MLB.com that the Houston Astros will be selling Chicken and Waffle cones at their home games this season.

You’ve just gained five pounds by looking at that picture.

Finally, Scylla Lopez reported yesterday that someone mistakenly asked Houston Astros catcher Jason Castro to prom by putting post-it notes on his car. Castro assumes that the invite was intended for his neighbor. Regardless, someone should take credit and bring Castro to prom.

On Saturday, the Houston Astros face the Miami Marlins at 12:05 CST. Roberto Hernandez will be on the hill in what could be his final appearance of the spring.

In case you’ve missed some of our recent articles here on Climbing Tal’s Hill, here are some good ones:

Correa is Whetting Our Appetites – Thomas O’Banion

Rasmus is Having an Odd Spring Statistically – Jason Burke

Next: AstroChat: The Astros Grading System