Astros pitcher Jarred Cosart is at it again. The 23-year old with a history of posting offensive and misguided tweets took it to a new extreme earlier today when he used a gay slur on the popular social media site.
Not long ago Cosart went all “Matt Dillon’s character in There’s Something About Mary” on one of our own writers. We thought it was peculiar that Jarred would single us out for posting an article that suggested a regression from last season could be in the cards for him. After all, several other writers (some of whom we even linked to in the article as sources) had already made similar projections.
Even though several fans were quick to come to Cosart’s defense (after he deleted the offensive tweet and replaced with something more acceptable) we actually got a lot of support and publicity as well.
Today’s misstep could have further consequences for the right-hander as the team may take disciplinary action against him.
Like the previous incident, Cosart quickly deleted today’s tweet after realizing that he had made a poor choice of words. Below is copy of a related tweet that calls Cosart out and includes the inappropriate word that he used.