No more kiss-cam at MMP?

Have we seen the end of the kiss-cam at Minute Maid Park? Perhaps. The team is currently shopping for a new marketing guru to take over, among other things, in-game entertainment responsibilities.

The Head of Ballpark Entertainment position is described in the first line of the on-line application as such:

The Head of Ballpark Entertainment will be responsible for creating, developing and executing all aspects of our in game entertainment and related productions to drive fans to MMP and deliver the best in game atmosphere and experience for our fans.

Apparently the refried bean can shell game and the hot sauce packet races weren’t exactly “driving fans to MMP”. That is some alarming news.

Moving on, and looking at the team’s definition of atmosphere.

For us, it means we look to our ballpark entertainment team to help create the excitement, interest, electricity and true entertainment value for everyone visiting Minute Maid Park.

If only the team was taking this approach with the actual baseball team on the field.

An equally important area of responsibility will be to manage the creative AND production processes for segments created for external advertising, programming for our website, and programing for our regional sports network.

Because if the thousands of people at the game are entertained by your offerings, imagine how the hundreds watching on CSN Houston will feel.

Moving down to the “Duties & Responsibilities” section (always my favorite portion of any job application) we find an extremely tasty nugget.

Develop plan to rotate entertainment inventory to keep the experience fresh and exciting throughout the baseball season.

Now there’s an idea!

Qualifications and Experience:

Strong knowledge of baseball and the Houston Astros.

Apparently the Astros have recently brought in someone who actually gets it. Given the steady stream of public relations blunders that have dogged the organization during the Jim Crane era, this is a move that should have been instituted a long time ago on a company-wide basis.

Sure, I’m often critical of the Astros organization, but that’s only because I love the team. I also contend that our readers are among the smartest of all fans. Heck, maybe one of you will get this job and help turn the MMP game experience into something we can all be proud of.

Just don’t do away with the kiss-cam.

Everyone loves the kiss-cam. (Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports)