Astros Weekend Links

I’ve dug up a few choice stories from around the web for today’s installation of Weekend Links. Keeping an eye to the future, a couple of prospects are featured today. Enjoy.

Preston Tucker is now playing almost all of his time in right field and putting up huge numbers in the minors which has earned him a call-up to AA.

The Crawfish Boxes

Early indications (small sample size alert) are that he has turned a corner in 2013.  After walking more batters than he struck out for three straight years, this year, he has four strike outs for each walk he has issued.  What a turn around! Here are some things I will be looking for as the season progresses.

Appy Astros

I think that happens with a young team sometimes, but these guys are fully capable of playing consistently good defense. They know how important it is. Bo (Porter) knows how important it is. You’re not going to win ballgames unless you catch the ball and throw the ball.

Ultimate Astros

Of course, since the study looks at resale (rather than official) prices, the market is very fluid. Which means that as a team continues its winning ways, its ticket prices could go higher, which ultimately changes the “bang for your buck” equation.

Market Watch

Thomas Campbell-USA TODAY Sports