Fox Sports takes a jab at Astros

One night during the Thanksgiving holiday I went to dinner at a local restaurant. I live in San Antonio, and the Spurs game was on one of the televisions. I was sort of halfway watching the game while waiting for my server. Spurs games are carried locally by one or more of the many Fox Sports channels. At home I have access to FS San Antonio, FS Southwest, FS Houston, and FS Dallas.

I don’t know if the restaurant had satellite or cable but I was under the assumption that I was watching some variation of Fox Sports. My suspicion was quickly confirmed during a commercial timeout. It was Fox Sports alright, and they were running a promo for the upcoming season of Rangers baseball.

The sound wasn’t on so I still didn’t know exactly which Fox it was but I could see the screen just fine. When a graphic came on screen and referred to the Rangers as Texas’ team, I almost jumped out of the booth.

My initial reaction was – How dare the Rangers insult the Astros like that! But after I thought about it for a moment, I realized it wasn’t the Rangers that devised this campaign… it was Fox Sports. They were taking a cheap shot at the Astros.

No matter how many Fox Sports channels I can get, I still can’t get the Astros in 2013 unless Comcast SportsNet Houston reaches an agreement with a provider in my area. Fox Sports wanted to make sure I was aware of that little tidbit. They want me to think the Rangers are the only team in town. Even if that turns out to be the case, I still won’t watch them.

It will certainly stink if CSN Houston isn’t picked up by the majority of satellite and cable providers throughout the state. But FSN and the Rangers would love it. I’ll be upset if it happens. But I will never be a Rangers fan – and they will never be Texas’ team.

The Rangers are quickly becoming a hated rival for diehard Astros fans like yours truly. At this point they are approaching Dallas Cowboys status. Now we can add the Fox Sports networks to the list of evil entities too.