Deadline 2011 Ode to the Astros


As July winds down the deadline nears

And Astro fans realize their fears

Our second baseman dealt to “The City”

It’s no big deal our team is shitty

The rumors swirl on blogs and Twitter

‘Stros are shopping their cleanup hitter

Pence could be moved to Atlanta or Philly

He’s the face of the franchise- that would be silly

Lo and behold the deal’s completed

It must be true, it’s been re-tweeted

Two vets we’ve sent to first place teams

We got six kids with “big league dreams”

They say that Michael Bourn is next

Ken Rosenthal just got a text

He says the Braves are hot for Bourn

The source unnamed- his secrecy sworn

Ed Wade holds out for a deal that’s peachy

He says no dice without Brandon Beachy

Anyone interested in Lee or Myers?

Keep trying Ed you’ll find some buyers

Jim Crane insists- cut payroll quickly

But Jim, our team is weak and sickly

Can’t hit can’t run can’t field or pitch

Looks like next year could be a bitch