Date announced for Houston Astros 2023 Fanfest
It's hard to believe we're a month and a half removed from the Astros winning the 2022 World Series. While nothing quite matches the buzz of playoff baseball in the Juice Box, we do have one date on the calendar to look forward to.
The Houston Astros have announced their annual Fanfest will take place on January 21. Fanfest will be open from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Fanfest is always a favorite day on the calendar for fans, as it fills the gap between the season ending and pitchers and catchers reporting for Spring Training. Fans are able to attend interview sessions with current players, Astros alum and broadcasters.
The day is filled with plenty of opportunities for fun, with activities ranging from autograph sessions, photo opportunities, games, season ticket sign-ups and more.
The 2023 Fanfest will likely be on of the most anticipated in recent memory, as there will now be a second World Series trophy in Minute Maid. Of course, Fanfest has looked different in recent years due to the pandemic, including a virtual version in 2021, so potential player interaction and a trophy in attendance will have excitement through the roof.
Vouchers for the event will be made available soon and will be required to attend. Check back for updates once the vouchers are made available.
Season ticket holders and Astros Buddies members will have exclusive benfits at Fanfest, which can be found in greater detail here.
If you're a local Houstonian, mark January 21 on your calendar. As we long for the return of baseball, it will be our next opportunity to see our beloved Astros in the ballpark as they gear up to defend their title in 2023.
This article will be updated as more information is released.