1. Los Angeles Angels
The LA Angels fans really came ready early on in the season. Angel fans (I guess there’s a few out there), Dodger fans, Yankee fans and generally all non-Astro fans in the Southern California came down to the ballpark and paid a lot of money to boo the Astros. Some fans paid up to $2,000 a ticket – more than the cost of four 5-day passes at Disneyland – to scream at our beloved Astros. If I wanted to get my frustration out, I’d just buy a $90 punching bag – but hey, everyone is different.
With that said, I really enjoyed those first two games at the A. The energy those fans had for the Astros was consistent and really gave these games a real fun postseason atmosphere. The cacophony of boos were strong throughout the game, the cheering when Correa or Bregman struck out was passionate and the antics around the stadium were all in good fun. When they came back and beat Houston late in the game, you would have thought they just clinched the division.
I doubt this will be the leader when it’s all said and done, but Angels fans set a solid bar.
Best Moment: Inflatable Trash Can thrown on the field. This actually made me laugh. Kudos to that fan.
Worst Moment: Real Trash Can Thrown on the field. Not only was this not original, it delayed the game and was far more dangerous. Plus, the groundskeepers had to pick up the garbage. Don’t be a litter-bug.