Idea #2: Wear More Throwbacks
In my opinion, baseball needs to embrace throwbacks more than they currently do. Now, I understand the purpose of wearing today’s uniform set. You just simply have to more times than not. There is a balance that has to be met and certain amount sales to generate that will satisfy all parties. However, the more frequent throwbacks are then the more fun baseball is to watch.
Remember back when the Astros, for the lack of a better term, sucked, the one ploy that drew fans to Minute Maid Park was the throwback games. One day you would see the infamous “Rainbow Gut” jerseys. The next week you may see the 1990’s gold shooting star hat. The original shooting star is another fan favorite. How about the Colt .45’s look? Heck, I would even entertain a game involving the brick-and-sand look for the ol’ times sake. All were winners in my book. The uniforms, not the actual team.
When you have a team that has such a “colorful” uniform history like the Astros, then it would be remiss not utilize it as much as fiscally possible. On the flip side, there is also the risk of over saturating everyone with throwbacks. Like I stated earlier, a balance must be kept. But with so many teams playing it safe in terms of uniforms, I would like for the Astros to lead the revolution of throwbacks. Baseball would be more colorful, and fun, to watch.